The weekly editorial...19/10/01 OK. So FF9 is out and FF10 and 11 are coming soon. What's the big rush for? We'll all get to play it sometime? Except for one small detail : FFX AND FFXI ARE ON PS2! So what's the big deal? The big deal is that some of us worthy ones DON'T EVEN HAVE A PS2! And the unworthy ones, the ones who all trashed the PSX and PS2 all have their cushy little relos hauling one over from where they come from... THE WORLD IS UNFAIR!
Some people are asking why FFX and FFXI aren't going to come out on the PSX. Well, here are a few of what I think the answers are...Firstly, the PSX probably can't handle some of the graphics which the two (praise Square) FF's have. Another reason is that how is Sony supposed to make money if two of the most-awaited titles are on their previous machine instead of their new one?
So...what do you think will happen in the gaming arena when FFX and XI come out? Think that they'll be better than FFVII? They better! What are the chances of that happening? Will it be a better seller than its LARGE predescor which got the Western Gaming Community ***into*** Final Fantasy and ther RPGs? And will the storyline be as good? If you ask me, I think that the storyline for FFVIII and IX was a little weak compared to FFVII...But their still some of the best games that money can buy...
I also heard somewhere that the two new instalments will have the characters speaking instead of text. Hopefully, they'll do it well - we don't want Japanese looking characters with cheesy fake US accents like some old dubbed movies.
Well thats this week's rant...If you want to discuss it, come to our message board. It has been hacked recently and ALL of the topics were deleted... You know what to do once you get there...