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First of all, we would like to thank the webmasters and webmistress (yay!) for their time and effort and dedication to this site. That's Grand Emperor aka GE, Cloudsbuddy aka CB, and Infalna aka me!!! ^_^ (YAY!!! Our hard work finally paid off!)
**ahem** anyway, we would also like to express our appreciation to square soft for making such a wonderful RPG. (all other acknowledgements will be posted up as soon as you inform us about it.)
Question webmasters!

cool! who uploaded this pic? was it you GE? == Infalna ^_^

grrrrr.....THAT WAS ME!my freind in Aus was doing a FF8 guide and when I was there I told him to e-mail it to me when it was finished.So I had it in my Inbox lying about and this opurtunity came and I decided to upload it on.

Sowwy GE, I had an Idea t'was you (cause you have so many FF pics and cousins or firends who have their own FFguide or something like that) and was gonna change it but I forgot (I've been working on so many pages in different windows at a time, so I forgot) And when I was gonna edit it, you already saw it. I know it's hard to believe, ^_^ Sorry!!!

umm... GE, where's my pic? u know, the personal pic.

with thanks to Zhi, who made the FF8 guide.

with thanks to SYDxy2, whom I got some pictures from.

with thanks to
i got some pics there.

BIG THANKS CB's acknowlegements
My acknowledgements are make sure you look at everything on the site.Also dont send me or any of us e-mails complaining about pop ups.Also mainly send mail to me.Oh yeah we will be starting the walkthrough soon.