FF7 - Hints, Tips and Side-Quests!!

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How to get a gold chocobo.
Before starting this, purchase all the stalls from the owner at 10, 000 gil each.believe me-it is worth it.
Also get HEAPS of money.Do this by selling mastered 'All' materia-they are worth 1.4million gil each.

If you want to get a REALLY good ocean chocobo, use this guide. First, catch 2 good chocobos(of opposite genders) and 2 great chocobos(of opposite genders).Ok, now, you get all of the chocobos to S-class(each time a chocobo wins 3 races-it does NOT have to be consecutively-it gets raised by one in rank) by feeding them Sylkis greens or similar.Save the game and then mate the 2 good chocobos and the 2 great chocobos.Make sure that the offspring are of the opposite gender.If not, then reset the game and try again.Now raise the offspring to as good as you can get them.Release all the other ones except for these 2.Now mate the 2 with a carob nut(you can find it with monsters near Bone Village.Just fight the big red monsters).you should get a special chocobo.Green for mountain chocobo and blue for river chocobo.Once you have one, go and get it to S-class with its stats as high as you can get it.Go back and mate the great and good chocobo again, saving before you do that.you shold get another chocbo.Make sure that it is a green if the first was blue and a blue if the first was green.Now raise it to S-class and raise all of its stats.Now mate THESE 2 with a carob nut and the offspring should be a black chocobo which can cross both rivers and mountains.Get it to S-class blabla etc and then catch a wonderful chocobo, get it to S-class etc.now mate the Black chocobo and the wonderful chocobo and you will get a OCEAN CHOCOBO!!!

To get Vincent go to the Shinra mansion in Nibelheim on the top floor go left then turn right and open the safe now go right to 36 left to 10 right to 59 then right to 97.You will have to fight a boss called Lost number. This guy can be easy or hard.Well when you beat him, you will recieve a key and the item "Cosmo Memory" which makes Red8 learn his Limit 4 skill, "cosmo memory" Now go to the basmement then go to the room with all the coffins in them and talk with him then leave. Just when you go for the exit, he should come out and talk to you.VINCENTthe bonus character

How to get Vincent
Breed a gold chocobo(check above).Then ride it to the very top right corner of map then enter cave.

Master materia:Collect huge materia and master so far at least bahumet and neobahumet to get Bahumet Zero from the blue huge materia.Master all other summon materia then get master summon.Master all magic and the D.Blow, Mime, Throw, Steal, Sense and Slash-All command materia and get master magic and command.

Ultima Weapons and level 4 limits-
Cloud_Beat Ultima Weapon for his Ultimate Weapon Get a bunch of BP at Battle area at gold saucer for Omnislash.

Ge's tips in getting Cloud really strong

Firstly, get omnislash. Then morph the "Heavy Tank" monster at the Gongaga Reactor. Keep doing that until you have about 50 (Its easier than it sounds because Heavy Tanks only have a HP of around 280). Then give them ALL to Cloud. Once his strength is around 150, when you use Omnislash it will do around 8000 - 9000 damage!

Here I list all the WEAPONS in FF7, and my strategies on how to beat them.
-Sapphire WEAPON-

Thankfully, you don't need to fight this one. When it attacks Junon, the Junon Cannon finishes it off.

-Diamond WEAPON-

This one is tough. First of all, set up WALL and REGEN. Now, mug it. You should be able to get the RISING SUN from it, which is a powerful weapon for Yuffie. Now, hit it with your hardest spells and summons. Look out for it's DIAMOND FLASH. That'll cause lots of damage. After a little while, it'll just walk away towards Midgar.

-Ultimate WEAPON-

Believe it or not, this is definentely the easiest of the WEAPONS. You will find it hovering over a lake near Junon. Bump into it with th Highwind, and you'll start the battle. Just hit it with all you've got, and it'll just fly away. Keep chasing it all over the world map. Bump into it, because that way it'll find a resting spot faster. Once it stops, fly into him again, and you'll battle it. You will have to battle it 7 or 8 times until it will finally go over Cosmo Canyon. When you beat it there, it'll plummet into the canyon, reveiling the Ancient Forest. For killing Ultimate WEAPON, you'll get Cloud's Ultimate Weapon, the Ultima Weapon.


You'll find Ruby WEAPON sticking his head out of the Corel Desert after you kill Ultimate WEAPON. Bump it with the Highwind to start the fight.

What you'll need- For this fight equip Cloud with Ultima Weapon, (I know, Ruby can't be hurt by physical attacks, and this has no materia growth, but it has 8 linked materia holes) Mystile, (This way Ruby WEAPON's attacks will miss you most of the time) and Ribbon. The materia you need is one mime, one KOTR at two stars, Hades at two stars, and for a much easier and faster fight, W-Summon. -NOTE- You don't need W-Summon. Also have the Sheild Materia, Full Cure Materia, Time materia, a mastered Magic Plus materia, and any other materia you want to grow.(Like 2* Cut or Slash-All) Make sure you put the growing materia in the MYSTILE, NOT THE ULTIMA WEAPON!!!

What to do- Come into this fight with everybody dead BUT Cloud. Now Ruby WEAPON will start off the fight with it's tentacles in the ground. Don't use physical attacks, they don't hurt him. First set up sheild and haste. Now quickly use W-Summon with KOTR and Hades. This should stop Ruby WEAPON and his tentacles, and he won't counterattack with ULTIMA!!! Now, keep miming this, and Ruby WEAPON will be dead in no time! If you don't have W-Summon materia, then use Hades, then KOTR. Keep miming it. Eventually, Ruby WEAPON will start moving again. Quickly use Hades on him again, then KOTR. Since you have a mastered Magic Plus materia on, it'll cause 9999 HP of damage on each hit, which will kill Ruby on the second combo of KOTR. -NOTE- If you don't have Magic Plus, then you MUST equip KOTR with a MP Turbo materia. -NOTE- If Ruby takes out his tentacles, don't worry, he is now for some reason not invulnerable. Ruby WEAPON has 1,000,000 HP. For winning this fight, you'll get the Desert Rose, which can be traded for a shitty Gold Chocobo, which you need for this fight. However, you'll get tons of exp. and AP points.

-Emerald WEAPON-
You'll find Emerald WEAPON underwater. Bump it with the submarine to start the battle.

What you'll need- Equip everybody with their ultimate weapons. Make sure Cloud has Omnislash. Also equip as many people as you can with the Mystile. Don't equip the Ribbon, it's not necessary. Equip the people with KOTR and the mime materia(s) with the Sprint Shoes. You have to have KOTR and 2 or 4 stars. Equip a different character with the counter-mime materia combo. You MUST have the Final Attack-Phoeinix materia combo. If you have another mime, give the third character it. You need at least one hero drink. Have plenty of Megaelixers on hand, because you WILL need lot's of them. You need the W-Summon materia on this battle. Also equip somebody like Cloud with the 4* Cut materia. If he has high HP, it'll hit Emerald WEAPON for 9999 HP 4 times. The people with KOTR and the mome materia(s) MUST have a mastered Magic Plus materia, or at least link KOTR to a MP turbo materia with also a weak Magic Plus materia. You can equip the Underwater materia if you want, but you don't need it.

What to do- This is an EXTREMELY HARD fight. For one thing, Emerald WEAPON has an attack called the AIRE TAM STORM, which does 9999 HP of damage to ALL of your characters. This is why you MUST have a final attack-phoenix materia combo. It's better if the Final Attack materia is past 1 star. Also, Emerald WEAPON has little side guns. The blue guns will hit a character for about 4000 HP. The yellow guns will take away about 500 MP, so you need high MP and HP. Start off the fight by giving Cloud all of your hero drinks. Now, when he does Omnislash, it will hit Emerald for 9999 HP 15 times!!! When your HP are at the max, use W-Summon with KOTR twice. Because of your Magic Plus materia, this will do tons of damage. Now the person with the mime materia must mime this. Now if you don't have another mime materia, don't do a thing. Every time Emerald hits the person with mime, he'll counterattack with KOTR twice! If you do have another mime materia, then use mime as many times as you can, and when Emerald attacks you, you'll mime it again. If the combo gets broken, then use 4* Cut, which does lots of damage. Emerald WEAPON has 1,000,000 HP. When you beat him, you get tons of exp. and AP points, and you get the Earth Harp, which can be traded for the master materia set.
How to get Knights of the round and other things CB

Vincent...He is one cr@p-cool guy...

FF8 Chicobo

Beating the Weapons Big Chocobo